Home > How to Solve Fighting Behavior Between Dogs

How to Solve Fighting Behavior Between Dogs

December 2, 2023

Dogs are one of the closest animals to humans, but quarrels, conflicts and fights can occur between dogs. These behaviors can cause inconvenience and distress to dogs and their owners. Here are some ways to deal with fighting behavior between dogs.


First, understand why dogs fight with each other. Fighting behavior between dogs may be due to competition for resources, territorial disputes, conflicting desires, or social status. When we understand these reasons, we can better solve the problem.


Second, provide adequate resources. Fights between dogs are often caused by a lack of resources. Ensuring that each dog has plenty of food, water, and their own space can reduce the incidence of competitive behavior. In addition, provide each dog with enough toys and entertainment so that they have other ways to release their energy and meet their needs.


Third, guide the dog's behavior correctly. When fighting behavior occurs between dogs, the owner needs timely intervention and guidance. Training techniques can be used, such as diverting attention from fighting, using commands to direct the dog to stop fighting, or using rewards and punishments to reinforce correct behavior. Do not use violence or punishment to solve the struggle problem, which will increase the tension between the dogs.


Fourth, introduce social contact gradually. If there are multiple dogs in the home, opportunities for socializing and contact can be introduced gradually, but make sure the introduction process is safe and orderly. By gradually increasing contact time and space, dogs have a chance to get to know each other and adapt, thus reducing the occurrence of arguments and fights.


Fifth, seek professional help. If the fight between dogs is too serious to be resolved by the above methods, it is recommended to seek the help of a professional animal behavior counselor or veterinarian. They have the experience and expertise to assess the situation and come up with specific solutions.