What Cats Do When They Are in Heat Period

Cats are one of pet lovers' favorite companions, but every year they go into heat, a time that can be a little confusing for owners. So, what do cats do when they're in heat? Let's take a closer look.
First of all, it's important to understand that cats are in heat, usually starting in the spring and continuing through the fall, and going into heat every 2-3 weeks. During estrus, a cat's endocrine system undergoes a series of changes that can lead to specific behaviors.
In fact, the main manifestation of cats in heat is a change in sexual behavior. The female cat will show a strong interest in the male cat, and will take the initiative to pettishize, rub, wriggle and other behaviors to attract the attention of the male cat. Male cats become more active, barking loudly and frequently to attract the attention of their female counterparts. During estrus, cats are more hesitant and choosy about mate selection.
In addition to changes in sexual behavior, cats may also exhibit the following behaviors during heat.
More Affectionate
Female cats may become more affectionate during estrus, actively seeking the owner's touch and attention.
Frequent Marking
During estrus, both male and female cats frequently use pheromones secreted by urine or cheek glands to mark their territory to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
Increased Meows
Cats show more frequent, loud meows when they are in heat, which is one way they are trying to attract a mate.
Restless or Agitated
During estrus, cats may show restless and agitated emotions, be more active, and have difficulty staying still.
In general, knowing how your cat behaves during heat can lead to a better understanding of their body changes and needs. With proper care and careful observation, we can help cats get through heat and maintain their health and well-being.

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