Why Cats Have Nocturnal Nature
If you're a cat owner, you've probably noticed that they have one thing in common: they like to move around at night. When you are ready to rest, they are full of energy and moving around. So why do cats like to move around at night? In this article, we will explore the reasons why cats have nocturnal nature.
The first thing is clear, which is that cats are nocturnal animals. The ancestors of cats were wild cats that hunted at night and hunted small mammals. Although modern domestic cats have been domesticated, their genetic memory still retains the nocturnal instinct. In the natural environment, cats are more likely to find prey at night because most herbivores are at rest at night, and their hunting instinct makes them more active during this time.
In addition, cats' vision and hearing are more acute at night. Cats' eyes contain special structures called "reflectors" that increase the efficiency of light use and allow them to see objects in dim environments. In addition, cats have very keen hearing and are able to hear high frequencies of sound. These talents make it easier for cats to detect small movements at night and better adapt to dark environments.
Moreover, cats' preference for nocturnal mobility may also have something to do with their social behavior. One of the reasons some cats are thought to be nocturnal is that they are more likely to interact socially with other cats. The lack of distractions and noise at night makes communication between cats easier. They can express their emotions and establish social status through growling, intimacy, and roughhouse.
To conclude, the cat's nocturnal movement is the result of a combination of factors. Nocturnal instincts, independence, sensitive sensory organs, biological clocks, and the need for social behavior are all key factors that explain why cats are nocturnal. As cat owners, we can provide the appropriate environment and toys to meet their needs at night, such as providing enough space to move around and stimulating toys to allow them to expend energy and vent energy at night.